Thank you for choosing BD Subscription, the Subscription Shop. Our Refund and Returns Policy policy is designed to ensure your satisfaction with our services. Please read the following details carefully.

  1. Order Cancellation:
    • Once an order is placed, it cannot be canceled.
  2. Delivery Timeline:
    • We strive to deliver your subscription within 48 hours. If, for any reason, we fail to meet this timeframe, we will refund your money. The refund process will take a maximum of 5 working days.
  3. Warranty:
    • We provide a full-period warranty for the products or services you subscribe to. If any issues arise within the warranty period, we will address and resolve them promptly.
  4. Order Cancellation by Us:
    • We reserve the right to cancel your order if you violate our rules. In such cases, the order is not refundable.
  5. Server and Website Issues:
    • We cannot be held responsible for server-related issues or errors on third-party websites. These issues are beyond our control and are not grounds for a refund.
  6. Product Features:
    • Product features may change based on the capabilities of the original product or service. As a reseller, we are not the author of the product, and changes are subject to their discretion.
  7. Issue Resolution:
    • If any issues arise, we are committed to resolving them within 48 hours. If, for any reason, we fail to resolve the issue, we will refund the remaining days of your product subscription.
  8. Refund Eligibility:
    • We will refund your money under the following circumstances:
      • Non-delivery of the product.
      • Failure to provide a replacement.
  9. Refund Processing Time:
    • Refunds will be processed within 3 to 5 working days.
  10. Refund Method:
    • Refunds will be processed using the same payment method used at the time of the order.
  11. Non-Refundable Items:
    • Items that violate our rules are non-refundable.

By continuing to use BD Subscription, you agree to abide by our refund policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Thank you for your understanding.

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Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.